I went on to Web MD to search for symptoms that may be exhibited in certain diseases Holden might have. Some people suggest that Holden's not "all there" and wonder if he has a mental illness of some sort. He certainly has odd behavior and it's hard to really figure him out.
The patient exhibits the following observed symptoms: anxiety, confusion, compulsive behavior, difficulty concentrating, depressed mood, impaired social skills, poor concentration, sadness, and unusual behavior. Perhaps this is in response to a traumatic accident or tragedy in the patient's life.
In my professional opinion, Holden Caufield exhibits many of the symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD. Perhaps the recent loss of a loved one triggered these symptoms and this disease.
As I am not really a doctor, unfortunately I cannot prescribe pills that will really help him. The next best thing to that is sending the patient, Holden, home for several weeks to get away from everything that stresses him out. (relationships, school, etc.) It will help him reconnect with his family and hopefully the depression will subside. As for the other symptoms, I'm not really sure because, like I said, I'm not a doctor.
Hopefully, these symptoms will go away and he will be able to have a normal life. If they don't, he may not be able to live normally relationship and career wise. It would be pretty bad.